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Traditional Cache Firehole Canyon Road by TH&G (2.5/3.5)
N41° 20.852  W109° 20.992 (WGS84)
UTM  12T   E 638050  N 4578651
Use waypoint: GCQ7KE
Size: Regular Regular    Hidden on 8/20/2005
In WY, United States
Difficulty:  2.5 out of 5   Terrain:  3.5 out of 5
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A cache in the rocks above Firehole Canyon Road on the way to the Flaming Gorge.

The cache is a plastic container with a yellow lid. Parking is possible at the junction of the paved road and the dirt county road #75. Go up from there. You should be able to see your vehicle from the cache site.

The paved road will further take you into Firehole Canyon that is part of the Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area. There is a boat ramp and campground at the of the paved road. The road continues from there as a good dirt road further taking one to different fishing holes along the Gorge.

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Current at 7/10/2008

Found it 7/6/2008 by Amanda&Tiff
Well let's was a very difficult climb for a couple of old gizzer's..but we made it...we left the dogs in the car, I know they would never have made it...
thanks for the fun..

Didn't find it 6/21/2008 by watkinstd
Lot further hike than appears, with the climb and all. Could not find the cache. Maybe very small????

Found it 4/21/2008 by dport
Quite the hike, about killed my poor old dog, she had a long liad back winter.It might not have been so bad on her but, I left my GPS at the cache site and did not notice untill we were at the bottom.Back up we went.Thanks for the hike. Dport

Found it 9/25/2006 by 2knightriders
Could only get bikes to within .26mi., we found a not so steep incline to cache. Wife was pretty tired from walk, I was 30yds away looking for cache, I heard her cry out. She had fallen, scared the heck out me, I went running back to were she was trying to get up. She was bleeding from were she had hit her cheek and chin, she was saying she was alright. I told her thats it, I quit, no more. She told me,Bull crap, this is how she gets her enjoyment. She calmed me down, and we started looking again, I commented on the hint, low and behold she points to the hint, and we find cache. So if you she my sweet companion, ask how her face feels, she told me maybe she just needs to wear her helmet all the time when caching. Thanks for this great sport.

Found it 9/5/2006 by wliedtke
Out on a day of caching with my wife. We knew kinda what to look for and expect with your caches but still took some looking. Took a heineken opener and left a mini puzzle kit. TFTF!

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GC104WB New Years Day Cache. [Twin Chimneys] (3.59miles W)
GC18A8K New Years Day Cache. 2008' (3.87miles W)

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