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Traditional Cache TH&G Sneaky Micro by TH&G (3.5/2)
N41° 36.071  W109° 17.125 (WGS84)
UTM  12T   E 642883  N 4606917
Use waypoint: GCZZ50
Size: Micro Micro    Hidden on 12/24/2006
In WY, United States
Difficulty:  3.5 out of 5   Terrain:  2 out of 5
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A different kind of micro for our area along the foot of White Mountain.

The White Mountain area outside of Rock Springs, WY has many different trails and roads for anyone to hike, bike, ride or drive around.

This little cache is in one of the sandstone rock formations along one of the roads. It is just a log. One needs to bring something to write with.

Additional Hints Hints

Current at 10/23/2008

Found it 10/20/2008 by dport
found this one from the backside,I fell off the formation twice the spotted the cache from the back, it is a lot easier acces from the front.TFTH

Found it 9/22/2008 by pepsiman.
I thought finding micros in the woods was tough. micros in the rocks is even harder. Thanks for another fun cache

Found it 9/13/2008 by *FiNi*
Kool rock formation I have ridden past a thousand times TNLN

Found it 9/13/2008 by braders
Thanks for the hide

Found it 8/30/2008 by Stev_5
Found this one right away. Guess we just got lucky! Thanks!

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Hints (Back)
Not metallic - a white paperclip may help.