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Multi-cache VOTE:??? by sunshine mommie (2/2)
N41° 33.661  W109° 18.490 (WGS84)
UTM  12T   E 641075  N 4602420
Use waypoint: GCT44K
Size: Large Large    Hidden on 1/21/2006
In WY, United States
Difficulty:  2 out of 5   Terrain:  2 out of 5
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This cache can be 2-6 legs. The choice is yours. Caches are very close to each other. This is an easy multi-cache! Generally easy walking, some incline on last leg.

All caches are on the same good 4X4 two-track road. Entrance in just south of Volcics.
These VOTE caches are just for some silly fun and not intended to be mean or degrading.
Please leave like-minded items in cache, if possible, to keep the theme going.
The first coordinates are for a peanut butter jar. Please choose your path (and slip of paper with coordinates for next leg of cache); Liberal, Conservative, or Bi-Partisan.
Second coordinates (from peanut butter jar) are in 35mm containers hidden and disguised rather well.
Third coordinates (in 35mm containers) are for large cache containers that are relatively easy to find.

Original Items for LIBERAL CACHE:
COOKIE CUTTER MAN: for taking out your frustrations on THE MAN.
SCARF: for keeping you warm when you've chained yourself to another tree.
SUPER GLUE: so maybe your conspiracy theory stories will stick.
A 2004 PREDIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN PHOTOGRAPH: to dream about what could have been.
CITY OF RS KEYCHAIN WITH MOTTO: for a laugh, because you know that "56 Nationalities" is actually only around 12.
BAND-AIDS: for your Bleeding Hearts.
KLEENEX: for you and your friends when you realize that the Conservative trend will linger.
FLASHLIGHT: for seeking The Truth.
COOKIE CUTTER TREE: because we have so few left.
MAGNIFYING GLASS: to help you turn a small incident into National News.
THIEVES IN HIGH PLACES: (they've stolen our country and it's time to take it back): a book by Jim Hightower so you can tell your friends, "See, I told you so!”
NAM: a book by Mark Baker
ODDBALLS AND ECCENTRICS: a book by Karl Shaw. So you can trace your family history.
MAGIC EYE: a visual trickery book. So you can just shut-up and be still.
***Please return all books to this cache so that others can enjoy them also. ***

Original Contents for CONSERVATIVE CACHE:
RUBBER GLOVES: well, those Weapons of Mass Destruction have to be Somewhere!
JOIN THE ARMY BOOKMARK: for passing out.
AMERICAN CUTIE STICKER: to give the girls you love so they can aspire to be drunken bimbos, like...
A TACK: to start building your tacks (tax) shelters.
BIG RING: to bust up those Union Strikers.
CALCULATOR: to help you count your massive deductions.
SHERIFF KEYCHAIN: to make you feel safe and know that order still exists.
CARMEX LIPBALM: for the Lobbyists after kissing so much Conservative heinie.
SCISSORS: for cutting a Hippies hair.
TENNIS SHOE LACES: for help outrunning protesters.
A DISCO BALL: for remembering exactly when you threw away your ideals.
GRAPEFRUIT: a book by Yoko Ono. For a really good laugh!
LEAP OF FAITH: a book by Queen Noor of Jordan, an eloquent and inspiring person. A great read.
THE SECRET MAN: by Bob Woodward (yeah, him!) a 5 disc audio book about Watergate.
***Please return all books and CDs to this cache when you are done so others can enjoy them also. ***

Original Contents for BI-PARTISAN CACHE:
This is a log only cache because I figured that if ya can't make up your darn mind, then you shouldn't get a reward. Jim Hightower said there’s nothing in the middle of the road except yellow stripes and dead armadillos.
Please bring your own writing stick.

I hope that this cache is taken in jest, because that is its intention.

Additional Hints Hints

Current at 3/5/2009

Needs Maintenance 3/1/2009 by doc-tom
Not sure if the conservative or bi-part legs are there anymore (2nd leg). There was only a small amount of snow, but two of us looked for a while and could not find either. The liberal leg (2nd) was not in the tree, but on the ground. The wire that was supposed to hold it is broken.

The final liberal cache is is in good shape.

Found it 2/28/2009 by doc-tom
Finally got this one. I looked at night about a month ago, but needed the daylight to help with it. I was not able to find either the bi-part or conservative end...Does this mean the liberals have taken over!?!

Oh Well. TFTC!!

Found it 2/28/2009 by Jowy20
Found the liberal leg. Not a liberal, but the others were not findable!!

TFTC!! I would love to come back to do the other legs, too.

Didn't find it 1/14/2009 by candum
found the first part easy enough and set out on the conservative route since im an evil conservative. had fun getting to the 2nd waypoint but couldnt find the film can. there were patches of snow hanging around that i hoped wouldnt be there and that might be what hindered my finding. Had fun anyway, will eventually go back and try again when the snow is more melty.

Found it 8/2/2008 by 2fun4u
We were in our car so we parked just off the pavement. We almost gave up on the second leg but I needed this one for the Wyoming ABC cache so we kept looking. Finally found it. The walk to the final cache was quite a hike. We were glad for some cloud cover and a few drops of rain. tftc

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Hints (Back)
Regarding Liberal: 2nd leg: it’s at about your thigh and something the hippies hug.
Regarding Conservative: 2nd leg: I didn’t see any pine trees, did you? This one is out in the open and camoflaged.
Regarding Bi-Partisan: it can’t make up its’ mind which side of the road it wants to be on either, so it should just go and hide under a rock.