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Traditional Cache Any Which Way You Can by jeewy (2.5/4)
N41° 33.418  W109° 09.808 (WGS84)
UTM  12T   E 653151  N 4602217
Use waypoint: GCPV3H
Size: Regular Regular    Hidden on 7/22/2005
In WY, United States
bug (This cache may contain travel bugs)
Difficulty:  2.5 out of 5   Terrain:  4 out of 5
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You don't need to go thru any gates, and lots of roads to choose from.

You need a 4x4 or some kind of atv to drive to area, easy walk once you are close. This cache started with: elect. fittings, hair bands, gold (FeS2), balls, chain hook, toy cowboys, and logbook and pencil. Climb the rock piles for another view of Rock Springs and area.

Additional Hints Hints

Current at 12/25/2008

Found it 12/24/2008 by rdc08
Really enjoyed this cache. Snow proved to make this one a little harder, but well worth it. Didn't take anything but did sign the log book.


Found it 12/9/2008 by doc-tom
Nice cache...good hike up the mountain. It was a cold, clear morning and I had to go caching before work...

This was well worth the cold.

Found it 9/15/2008 by braders
Glad I was able to minipulate my truck to within feet of this cache cause the TB was not there I was gonna hike it ha ha good thing I gave it the thunder instead thanks for hide but bug not there

Found it 8/9/2008 by *FiNi*
Fun jeep trail a little sandy at the top and a ton of trails to explore. TFTF

Found it 6/22/2008 by DTAT
Took Pink Carabiner Left Red One This one took a while to find

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Hints (Back)
If you cut the trail it is practically level walk from there.