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Traditional Cache White Mountain White by TH&G (2.5/4)
N41° 36.390  W109° 17.740 (WGS84)
UTM  12T   E 642018  N 4607491
Use waypoint: GCMYKH
Size: Regular Regular    Hidden on 2/27/2005
In WY, United States
Difficulty:  2.5 out of 5   Terrain:  4 out of 5
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A cache up White Mountain in the "White" layer just under the 7200 foot elevation.

A series of jeep/atv/biking/hiking trails leave the pavement the closest at N41 36.000 W109 15.927. From there the cache is 1.63 miles away or about a 2 mile journey one way or the other on a series of trails that get thinner and steeper as you go.

The container is plastic with a yellow top.

The views are mainly of the Rock Springs area to the east from the cache and the mountain itself on the way up.

Additional Hints Hints

Current at 9/18/2008

Found it 9/13/2008 by *FiNi*
Nice view from way up here. Lots of dirt bike trails a few of them are pretty steep though so proceed with caution.

Found it 8/18/2008 by Little "T"
My my my, my first real climbing hike. We biked to the base of White Mountain on the mountain bike and then walked up from there when it got steep. I walked all the way up to this cache with a little hand holding help on the steep parts. What a great nice on this nice morning. Daddy was surprised that I could make it up this far without being carried. So that means we will try some more up ones later this summer. I did need to be held on the way down the steep parts, but I walked down mostly to the bike also. This was fun. We took pictures.

Found it 5/11/2008 by firehead523
tfth had fun

Found it 5/11/2008 by NOBODY IMPORTANT
I don't suggest driving within 150 feet of this. I almost rolled my truck trying to turn around!

Found it 4/16/2007 by jevans7
You can only go higher if you are on top that is a long way up nice view today it was mostly of dark clouds thanks for the hide

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Hints (Back)
None, but it is above the white or is it in the white or covered by white.