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Traditional Cache Little T Goes on a Hike #2 by Little "T" (2.5/2)
N41° 36.696  W109° 15.495 (WGS84)
UTM  12T   E 645124  N 4608119
Use waypoint: GC1N7YE
Size: Small Small    Hidden on 3/1/2009
In WY, United States
Difficulty:  2.5 out of 5   Terrain:  2 out of 5
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A small cache out in the sage area north of Rock Springs, WY.

I, Little T, wanted to go hiking again today. So I got Mom to go with me this time again. I am going to try to get her to go with me at least once a month this year from now on. This is the second time in 2009.

The cache is a small pill bottle with a log and nothing to write with in it.

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Current at 3/19/2009

Found it 3/15/2009 by D & LS
Spending the week here with family. Geocaching in the wind found 3 this afternoon, hiked in from the highway. Thanks for the hide. D & LS

Found it 3/15/2009 by TH&G
Wild and Windy afternoon. We stopped by on a 4 mile loop 4 cache hike this afternoon. I was with my caching father from South Dakota.

Found it 3/13/2009 by Red Desert Fox
I looked in the obvious place and it wasn't there. Looked around for a while and found it BURIED under the original spot under about 3 inches of dirt. Replaced it but did not bury it. Thanks.

Found it 3/2/2009 by doc-tom

This is definitely worth the higher difficulty rating. It took me over 45 minutes of canvasing, but after rezeroing about the 20th time, there it was, just hiding in an unlikely spot!!

TFTC!! I had a great time with this one.


Didn't find it 3/1/2009 by NOBODY IMPORTANT
Alas, daylight and my flashlight faded at the same time....

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