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N41° 35.224  W109° 12.836 (WGS84)
UTM  12T   E 648873  N 4605471
Use waypoint: GC1MX51
Size: Not chosen Not chosen    Hidden on 2/20/2009
In WY, United States
Difficulty:  1.5 out of 5   Terrain:  1.5 out of 5
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Taken from a TV theme.

The trees will DEFINITELY mess with your GPS. Do you remember the "ABC AFTER SCHOOL SPECIAL"? It was sometimes a cartoon, sometimes live action, but always geared towards kids. I used to love watching it. Well, here's my newest cache. Have fun, there are many muggles looking through windows at this local school, try for this one between 5p.m. and 6a.m. Use the hint, only if you have to. It will make it much more fun, or depending on the cacher, MUCH EASIER!

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Current at 4/2/2009

Found it 3/28/2009 by TH&G
Stopped by for one this running around doing the errands today. It was in the first area I looked this time. Felt it before being able to retrieve it.

Found it 3/18/2009 by doc-tom
FTF on this one, too.

You need a tool of some sort to get this one. I was only able to get it because I found something on the ground about 100 feet away that was sufficient to retrieve the cache.


Write note 3/17/2009 by NOBODY IMPORTANT
New coords. I tested the retrieval on this one and it works GREAT!

Update Coordinates 3/17/2009 by NOBODY IMPORTANT
N41° 35.224 W109° 12.836
** Coordinates Changed From **
N 41° 35.229 W 109° 12.838
Distance From Old: 31.6 feet
This cache is OUTSIDE the fence, no need to cross! Think about the KEY OF G cache to solve!

Didn't find it 3/16/2009 by tronaminer
Didn't find it also. Coords put me 25 feet into school yard. Between fence and Building. Came in from 3 different directions, same result. Shouldn't be in school yard. I agree with TH&G. Will take this one off my radar, unless owner confirms it is not in school yard.

Nearby Caches
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GC1KN1B Rock On (0.29miles W)
GC1FE8E Rock Springs All-Stars (0.29miles SE)
GC1HVQZ It All Started Here (0.34miles W)

Hints (Back)
An unusual magnetic. Think about my KEY OF G cache.....