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Traditional Cache Pacific39 by Tricia (paccacher) (1/1)
N41° 35.618  W109° 13.617 (WGS84)
UTM  12T   E 647773  N 4606177
Use waypoint: GC1G4WP
Size: Regular Regular    Hidden on 9/15/2008
In WY, United States
bug (This cache may contain travel bugs)
Arghh2006 Geocaching the Geoworld (ref = TB1EGW6)
Cache Movers Geocoin (ref = TB24GWA)
Fuzzy Hippo (ref = TB29P55)
MT Traveling 2 Cents #5 (ref = TB2MPZ4)
Difficulty:  1 out of 5   Terrain:  1 out of 5
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This is an easy to reach cache, wheelchair accessible.

How many times have you read "found it, but forgot a pencil & didn't sign the log" when online looking at the micros in this area? How many times have you gone on an impromptu cache hunt, made the find, only to realize that you forgot a pen!

This cache is initially stocked with a couple dozen golf pencils, and will be re-stocked as needed. Because of the cache location, the pencils are made from recycled US currency rather than wood. It is also stocked with some film-can CITO trash bags (made from 100% recycled plastic of course) should you need to deal with a bunch of litter. They make fine recycling bags too, if some of the litter happens to be aluminum cans. Even the cache container is recycled.

The pencils and bags are a gift--no need to trade anything for them--but there is also plenty of space for traditional trade items. Please log when you take a film-can so it can be restocked.

Although it is a few miles from the ocean, it is named for its location (you'll see when you get there). It's placed on private property with the company's permission. The employees know the cache location. Please do not worry if they see you.

Additional Hints Hints

Current at 2/19/2009

Write note 2/16/2009 by doc-tom
Traded a TB. I did not see the other three trackables, only the scout one.

Found it 2/15/2009 by Jowy20
Number 94 TFTC!!

doc-tom took me around to get more for my 100th find.

doc-tom traded the bug.

Write note 2/14/2009 by TH&G
Stop by on our little tour of Rock Springs traded out TB's. Only one in the cache. I left the eagle scout.

Found it 1/7/2009 by eagsc7
On the way Home to Spokane, WA. Cool Cache. We took I-70 to I-25 to I-80, to US 95..(then Zig Zaged to Spokane...)

Found it 12/30/2008 by dport
Found this afternoon while weather was still nice.
TFTH SL took CD TB will watch and place in a cache soon.

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Hints (Back)
Ammo can is not on the ground, beside an old building.