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Traditional Cache Centennial Park by TH&G (1.5/1)
N41° 36.053  W109° 14.197 (WGS84)
UTM  12T   E 646951  N 4606966
Use waypoint: GC12YD4
Size: Regular Regular    Hidden on 5/15/2007
In WY, United States
Difficulty:  1.5 out of 5   Terrain:  1 out of 5
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A cache in Centennial Park of Rock Springs, WY.

This is another one of the parks in the Rock Springs area that has facilities for a picnic, a playground, and a volleyball court with a sandy surface.

The container is a normal jar with a yellow top lid. Please hide it or cover it up so no one can see it just passing by.

Go in the daylight hours. The park is closed from 11:00PM to 7:00Am.

Additional Hints Hints

Current at 6/7/2007

Didn't find it 6/3/2007 by acwentz
how could i not find a regular cache??? crazy...
acwentz and Chessie

Found it 6/1/2007 by badgerbait
Found cache in early afternoon. There was some type of festivity going on in the park so a lot of mugglers. TN/LN/SL Thanks for the hunt.

Found it 6/1/2007 by trailrunner & chuckhole
Went back & picked up the coin & T.B.Will get them on the way soon. trailrunner & chuckhole

Found it 5/29/2007 by trailrunner & chuckhole
We were so surprised this little park is here.Thanks for the fun hide. trailrunner & chuckhole

Found it 5/29/2007 by LeslieDodson9
Found this one bright and early. Nice little park!! T-TB L-TB and GC

Nearby Caches
GC1HQ9K Another In The Park (0.05miles NW)
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GC13QM0 RB "ONE LITTLE LIE" (0.41miles E)

Hints (Back)
Ground level - tree.