
Final Exam

Answer the following. Each is worth 1 point for a total of 30 points.

1. List the five primary components of fitness.

2. According to the Surgeon General's report, how much time should we spend in moderate activity each day?

3. As a person's fitness improves, what happens to their resting heart rate?

4. How many calories are in a gram of fat?

5. List one risk factor for coronary heart disease that a person CAN control.

6. How much fruit is recommended each day with the 2005 dietary guidelines?

7. What's the prime reason fad diets may work over the short term regardless of the "rules" of the diet?

8. Define "diet."

9. What two measures are used to figure a person's Body Mass Index (BMI)?

10. What is one result of a loss of muscle mass as we age?

11. Why would someone's weight increase when they are following a weight training program, even though they may lose inches and find their clothing fits more loosely?

12. In general, which is healthier (by having fewer trans fats): those fats that are solid or those that are liquid at room temperature? In other words, is it better to have butter or olive oil?

13. What is better for burning calories and for working the heart, assuming you're fit enough to do both: 30 minutes of running or 30 minutes of walking?

14. When a person does weight training and increases their muscle mass, what is the impact on their metabolism?

15. What happens to your muscles when you quit exercising for a long period?

16. List a food that burns fat.

17. List one eating behavior that can affect someone's calorie intake.

18. List one life style factor that affects how much a person weighs.

19. What is the primary criticism of the BMI?

20. What is better for burning calories and working the heart: 30 minutes of running at a moderate intensity or three different running workouts also at a moderate intensity of 10 minutes each? Assume equal intensity with all workouts.

21. List one benefit of using walking as a primary fitness activity and one limitation of this form of exercise.
a. Benefit:
b. Limitation:

22.List a common mistake people follow when working out at the gym that can limit their overall fitness improvement.

23.What four factors affect the effectiveness of aerobic or cardiorespiratory training?

24. What is the age-adjusted maximum heart rate (NOT the target range) for a 20 year old man? (this is a single number - not a range of numbers)

25. Define flexibility.

Optional: The following is not graded and will, in no way, affect your grade:
Did this course help you adopt a regular fitness program?
Are there other topics you'd suggest this course cover?
Please provide any other suggestions on how this course could be improved. Helpful suggestions are always welcome.

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